After the closure of the first two calls for project proposals launched under the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme, a total of 151 proposals were submitted, including 93 standard project proposals (amounting to 101 million euros) and 58 small-scale project proposals (amounting to 24 million euros).
The two calls, one for standard projects and one for small-scale projects, were launched on March 30, 2023, with a submission deadline of July 4, 2023, and were open for all three specific objectives of the Programme:
The Interreg funds allocated for the call dedicated to standard projects amount to 26.6 million euros, while the funds allocated for the call dedicated to small-scale projects amount to 5.9 million euros.
From July to September 2023, the administrative and eligibility verification phase will take place, followed by the qualitative evaluation, estimated to be conducted from September to December 2023. Subsequently, the Programme Monitoring Committee will make the decision regarding the selected projects for funding.
Detailed information about the Programme is available at www.blacksea-cbc.net.