

The new headquarters of the Court of Appeal in Târgu Mureș was inaugurated



According to an announcement from MDLPA, Minister Adrian-Ioan Veștea, along with the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, participated in the inauguration of the headquarters of the Court of Appeal Târgu Mureș.

The intervention and expansion works at this facility, worth 29,608,724.50 lei, were funded by the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration through the National Investment Company (CNI).

The building of the Court of Appeal in Târgu Mureș is included in the list of historical monuments of the municipality, under the name of the Palace of Justice Târgu Mureș. Through the project implemented by CNI, the rehabilitation and consolidation of the existing construction were aimed at, as well as the extension with a new building, on a height regime similar to the existing building, of G+GF+2F (basement + ground floor + 2 floors), thus creating new spaces for judges and auxiliary staff, a bar for lawyers, courtrooms and council rooms, archive spaces, and auxiliary offices.

"The completion of this objective represents another stage in the modernization of the infrastructure of the judicial system, supporting judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and citizens alike. The Ministry of Development, through the National Investment Company, ensures modern conditions for the conduct of justice, constantly investing in this type of infrastructure. We have already completed 14 such objectives, worth 140 million lei, and another 13 projects, totaling over 415 million lei, are in various stages of promotion," stated the Minister of Development.




