Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as the Managing Authority for the Transport Program (TP) 2021-2027, announces that it has published the funding guide for Priority 7 (P7) - Development of maritime and multimodal transport within TP 2021-2027.
The Applicant's Guide - Development of maritime and multimodal transport (P7) is addressed to applicants who wish to obtain funding through the three project calls that will be launched within Priority 7, providing information and general eligibility rules that are mandatory.
(P7) Project call for investments in naval infrastructure - new projects (public and private beneficiaries), as follows:
EU Funding Allocation: 185 million euros
** of which 5 million euros for increasing the administrative capacity of public beneficiaries for investment projects in naval transport development, with related expenses included in the funding requests for investment projects
Contracting Limit Budget (EU Funding + Beneficiary's Contribution): 1.11 billion euros
** of which 30 million euros for increasing the administrative capacity of public beneficiaries for investment projects in naval transport
Co-financing Rate: 50%
** for beneficiaries funded from local budgets or private sources, the co-financing rate is 50% EU Funding, 48% Beneficiary's Contribution, and 2% local/own budget
Type: Non-competitive continuous project call
(P7) Project call for phased investments in naval infrastructure
EU Funding Allocation: 45 million euros
Contracting Limit Budget (EU Funding + Beneficiary's Contribution): 270 million euros
Co-financing Rate: 50%
** for beneficiaries funded from local budgets or private sources, the co-financing rate is 50% EU Funding, 48% Beneficiary's Contribution, and 2% local/own budget
Type: Non-competitive continuous project call
(P7) Project call for investments in multimodal transport sector (public and private beneficiaries)
EU Funding Allocation: 15 million euros
Contracting Limit Budget (EU Funding + Beneficiary's Contribution): 90 million euros
Co-financing Rate: 50%
** for beneficiaries funded from local budgets or private sources, the co-financing rate is 50% EU Funding, 48% Beneficiary's Contribution, and 2% local/own budget
Type: Competitive project call with a deadline for submission
Eligible applicants under the three calls:
** For all categories of beneficiaries, the eligibility rules defined in Section 5.1.1 of the Guide will be considered.
Supported actions within the call: