

The program "Integrated infrastructure for the orbital area of the Municipality of Bucharest" was established



The National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure S.A., as the Beneficiary, has signed Financing Contract No.23 for the Project "Integrated Infrastructure for the Orbital Area of ​​Bucharest Municipality," funded through the Operational Program Large Infrastructure 2014-2020, Priority Axis PA 1. Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T network and metro transport, Specific Objective SO 1.1 Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network.

Project Location: Bucharest Municipality and Ilfov County

Purpose and General Objectives of the Project: The general objective of this project is to complete the Bucharest orbital road network to ensure adequate interconnectivity between three existing highways and national roads with the status of European roads, highways, and European roads for which km 0 is defined in Bucharest.

The main objectives of the project (construction of a new 51.195 km 2x2 lane highway (south sector A0 Bucharest-ring road with a highway profile); modernization of 20.219 km of national road on the A1-DN7 and DN2-A2 sectors, part of the existing Bucharest ring road (of which 8.695 km for the A1-DN7 sector and 11.524 km for the DN2-A2 sector); construction of 4 Passages (Domnești, Mogoșoaia, Oltenița, and Berceni); widening to 4 lanes of 14.525 km of the existing Bucharest ring road between A1-DN5, are in accordance with the LIOP 2014-2020, Priority Axis PA 1. Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T network and metro transport, Thematic Objective 7, Specific Objective 1.1 - Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network.

Project Description:

Expected Results (project):

  1. Construction of 51.195 km of a new 2x2 lane highway (south sector A0 Bucharest-ring road with a highway profile), 42 bridges and passages, 5 interconnection points, 4 short-term parking lots, 1 service area, 1 maintenance and coordination center, and 1 support and maintenance point;
  2. Modernization of 20.219 km of the national road on the A1-DN7 and DN2-A2 sectors, part of the existing Bucharest ring road (of which 8.695 km for the A1-DN7 sector and 11.524 km for the DN2-A2 sector), together with the A1-DN7 sector: 2 rehabilitated bridges, 1 rehabilitated passage, 3 new bridges, 2 new passages, 11 intersections, 1 parking lot; DN2-A2 sector: 2 rehabilitated passages, 3 new passages, 4 intersections, 1 parking lot, 1 U-turn with a roundabout; - U-turn on the Bucharest ring road in the A1 highway area: 1 U-turn, 1 parking lot.
  3. Construction of 4 Passages (Domnești, Mogoșoaia, Oltenița, and Berceni)
  4. Widening to 4 lanes of 14.525 km of the existing Bucharest ring road between the A1-DN5 sector, including: 3 new passages, 1 rehabilitated parking lot, 3 new parking lots, and 5 intersections.
  5. Reducing travel time on the TEN-T road network from 92.5 minutes (value at the beginning of the implementation period) to 60.9 minutes for the A3-DN6 route and from 98.6 minutes (value at the beginning of the implementation period) to 55.5 minutes for the A2-A1 route.

Component 1: South Bucharest Ring Road from km 0+000-km 100+900.

Lot 1 - Sector 1 from km 52+070-km 52+770 related to the Northern Ring; - Sector 2 from km 52+770-km 69+000 related to the Southern Ring.

Lot 2 - Km 69+000-km 85+300.

Lot 3: - Sector 1 from Km 85+300- km 100+765 related to the Southern Ring; - Sector 2 from km 0+000-km 2+500 related to the Northern Ring.

Component 2 - Modernization of the Bucharest Ring Road between A1 - DN7 and DN2 - A2

Lot 1 - Modernization of the Bucharest Ring Road between A1 - DN7;

Lot 2 - Modernization of the Bucharest Ring Road between DN2 - A2

Component 3 - Domnesti Passage

Component 4 - Widening to 4 lanes of the South Bucharest Ring Road between A2 km 23+600 and A1 km 55+520”

Lot 1: Arrangement of the road junction CB DN4 (Oltenita) km 29+500 - km 33+190

Lot 2: Arrangement of the road junction CB DJ401 (Berceni) km 33+190 - km 35+600

Component 5 - Mogoșoaia Passage

Component 6 - Widening to 4 lanes of the Bucharest Ring Road between A1 - DN5

Lot 1: Widening to 4 lanes of the South Bucharest Ring Road between A1 (km 55+520) and km 54+700, including the long-term parking lot at km 54+765

Lot 2: Widening to 4 lanes of the South Bucharest Ring Road between 54+700 and DN5 (km 40+000)

According to Additional Act No. 5/17.08.2023

Total project value: 7,597,780,021.21 lei

EU co-financing value: 44,384,579,297.81 lei

National funding value: 773,749,287.80 lei

The project implementation period is 120 months, namely from 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2023, to which, if applicable, the period of activities before signing the Financing Contract is added, according to the eligibility rules of the expenses




