Cities with Low Traffic, According to the T.R.A.I Index: Reșița, Oradea, Brașov, Botoșani, Deva
Cities with Heavy Traffic: Baia Mare, Iași, Buzău, Bucharest, Suceava
The "Recita" neighborhood in Reșița has the lowest traffic among those evaluated.
Piața Romană, the Jewish Quarter, and the Historical Center in Bucharest are the neighborhoods with the heaviest traffic among those analyzed on trai.storia.ro.
Quiet Cities
Currently, Reșița, Oradea, Brașov, Botoșani, and Deva are the cities in Romania with the lowest road traffic, while at the opposite end are Baia Mare, Iași, Buzău, Bucharest, and Suceava, where traffic is the most intense compared to other cities analyzed in the T.R.A.I. index, created by Storia - the real estate listings platform launched by OLX.
In the category of neighborhoods with the lowest road traffic is the Recita neighborhood in Reșița, with a score of 100 points, the only one on the platform with the maximum score. As for the Capital, the neighborhood with the lowest traffic in Bucharest, according to the platform's data at this moment, is Pădurea Băneasa, with a score of 72.8 points.
The index can be accessed on trai.storia.ro and is a tool that gathers data from local and scientific sources to provide the most relevant information to those looking for the right city or neighborhood.
On one hand, the index includes objective data taken from Google Traffic, Google Places, Airly, Storia, and measures a series of key factors (Traffic, Landmarks, Air Quality, and Real Estate - price per square meter) which are then translated into a representative score for cities or neighborhoods in Romania.
On the other hand, in the "Voice of the Neighborhoods" section, the index presents subjective data collected from residents of the neighborhoods included on the platform.
How is road traffic in the Capital
According to the T.R.A.I. index, the "Traffic" section is interpreted as follows: the closer the score is to 100, the lower the traffic in the selected neighborhood or city. The index displays accurate data on road traffic and travel speed, relative to the maximum legal speed allowed in the area.
The areas in Bucharest where traffic is lower, according to the T.R.A.I. index, are: Pădurea Băneasa (72.8 points), Uranus (27.7), Primăverii (24.9), followed by Regie (19.8) and 13 Septembrie (14.6). Conversely, among the neighborhoods with the most intense traffic are Piața Romană (score 0), the Jewish Quarter (3), the Historical Center (3.7), followed by the French Quarter (4) and Piața Victoriei (4.3).
Which cities have lower road traffic VS. cities with heavy traffic
Currently, Reșița is at the top of the list of cities with the lowest traffic among the cities analyzed on the mentioned platform, with a score of 43.8 points, followed by Oradea (40.4), Brașov (39.1), and Botoșani (38). Also, in the top 10 cities on the platform with lower traffic are Deva (36.8), Alba Iulia (37.4), Drobeta-Turnu Severin (35.6), Arad (36.9), Giurgiu (39.7), and Slatina (32.3).
Conversely, Baia Mare is the city with the most congested traffic compared to the traffic in other cities on the platform, scoring only 12.3 points. The next cities with the most intense traffic are Iași (15.4), Buzău (18), and Bucharest (18.3), as well as Suceava (21.6), Galați (23.2), Timișoara (25.2), Satu Mare (25.4), Brăila (26.3), and Zalău (26.3).
Which neighborhoods have lower road traffic VS. neighborhoods with heavy traffic
Currently, the Recita neighborhood in Reșița is the only neighborhood on the platform that has achieved the maximum score of 100 points for the "Traffic" indicator, illustrating that this neighborhood has the lowest traffic.
The Teleajen neighborhood in Ploiești is in second place, with a score of 98.3 points, followed by the Bartolomeu Nord neighborhood in Brașov (93.4), Bărăbanț in Alba Iulia (81.7), and Pădurea Băneasa in Bucharest (72.8).
Also, the next five neighborhoods in the top neighborhoods with the lowest traffic are the Albert neighborhood in Ploiești (67), Bordei in Craiova (66.2), Podeni in Târgu Mureș (65), Viile Dealul Mic neighborhood in Târgu Mureș (62.8), and Someșeni in Cluj-Napoca (59.7).
The first three neighborhoods with the most intense traffic among those analyzed are in Bucharest, respectively: Piața Romană (score 0), the Jewish Quarter (3), and the Historical Center (3.78). The next neighborhoods with congested traffic are:
Tipografilor in Timișoara (3.9), the French Quarter (4), Piața Victoriei (4.3), and Gara de Nord (5) in Bucharest, followed by the Center in Ploiești (6.11), Dorobanți in Bucharest (6.19), and Zorilor in Cluj-Napoca (9.3). (Photo: Freepik)