In November 2023, a total of 63,289 properties were sold nationwide, which is 341 fewer than in October. The number of houses, lands, and apartments involved in transactions in November is 1,630 higher than the same period in 2022.
The highest number of property sales in November 2023 was recorded in Bucharest – 11,916, Ilfov – 4,156, and Brașov – 4,006. The counties with the fewest properties sold during the same period are Teleorman – 155, Alba – 345, and Olt – 367.
The number of mortgages nationwide in November 2023 was 30,778, an increase of 8,098 compared to November 2022. The majority of such transactions were recorded in Bucharest – 5,474, Constanța – 3,938, and Ilfov – 2,585. On the other hand, the counties with the fewest mortgages were Sălaj – 59, Gorj – 60, and Harghita – 76.
The counties with the most agricultural land sold in November 2023 are Timiș – 978, Dolj – 662, and Botoșani – 588.
For more information, you can visit the website of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) at, in the Press/Statistics section.