

How much did Romanians spend in 2022 on home improvement?



The relationship between people and their homes, as spaces where they spend a significant amount of time, has become increasingly important. This is reflected in the investments that Romanians have made and plan to make in home improvement projects.

According to a recent study conducted by the independent research agency MKOR Consulting and the platform Registrul Constructorilor, 75% of the participants in Romania have carried out an average of two home improvement, repair, or enhancement projects in their own homes in the year prior to the study.

They have invested significant amounts of money, with an average of 6,825 lei. But what are the reasons behind these improvements and how do Romanians choose to implement them?

Which types of projects have been prioritized?

According to the market study, 3 out of 4 Romanian respondents have primarily undertaken the following three types of projects: interior design (67% of them), installation works (37%), and exterior design (28%). These were followed by restoration and refurbishment, carpentry works, and roof works.

Interestingly, although adults between the ages of 36 and 55 are generally more likely to undertake such home improvement projects, when it comes to interior design specifically, it is younger people who are more likely to engage in these projects (71%).

The spaces for which Romanians have invested in home improvement projects are primarily the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, followed by the living room, courtyard or garden, and hallway.

How do Romanians find the specialists they need?

When asked who worked on their home improvement projects, more than half of the study participants (6 out of 10) stated that they worked on the projects themselves, with the help of friends and/or family.

However, when they do choose to work with a craftsman/specialist, a specialized company, or a team of workers, it is not surprising that the majority of Romanians – an overwhelming 80% of respondents – rely on recommendations from acquaintances. As for online research, young people are more likely to use this method.

We can draw two conclusions here. First, recommendations from other people remain the most reliable criteria when choosing specialists in the field of home improvement. Extrapolating from this, the inclination to take into account recommendations from acquaintances, family, and friends could also explain why company reviews carry more weight in consumer choices in recent years.

Second, there is a certain gap in the online environment regarding the centralization of entrepreneurs in fields such as construction and real estate, which is why navigating the online space can be difficult when searching for trustworthy specialists. In both cases, information and review platforms, such as Registrul Constructorilor, meet these needs and challenges.

What motivates Romanians to invest in such projects?

According to the same market study, 50% of respondents have invested in renovation projects to refresh worn-out spaces.

Changing the design style, replacing electrical or sanitary systems, and rethinking or expanding the space were also mentioned as other main reasons by respondents.

How much have they spent and how much do they plan to spend?

While Romanians spent an average of 6,825 lei on home improvement projects in the previous year, the budgets allocated for the next period averaged approximately 3,275 lei for interior design and approximately 1,950 lei for exterior design.

Although 4 out of 10 respondents planned to undertake future construction projects with family members, overall, respondents intended to rely more on the services of specialists for the planned renovation works in the next year compared to the previous year.

The information presented is based on the results of the market study "Information Platform for the Construction and Renovation Sector: Feasibility Study," conducted by MKOR Consulting on a sample of 501 respondents, nationally representative in terms of gender, age (18-55 years), and geographical distribution, using an online survey as the data collection tool.




