

CNAIR appointed the executor of the Nădășelu - Mihăiesti section on the A3



After completing the tender evaluation process, CNAIR has announced the outcome of the contract award procedure for the design and execution of works for the diversion of the route between km 10+009 - km 12+000 and km 21+406 - km 24+890, related to the Brașov-Târgu Mureș-Cluj-Oradea highway, subsection 3A2: Nădășelu - Mihăiești (km 8+700 - km 25+500).

The winning bidder designated is the Consortium Ozaltin Insaat Ticaret VE Sanayi AS - Ilgaz Insaat Ticaret AS - Visio Construction Works SRL, with a price of 994,706,345.06 lei, excluding VAT.

The contract duration is 27 months, of which 9 months are allocated for the design phase and 18 months for the execution of works.

The warranty period offered for the works, according to the evaluation factor, is 10 years.

The source of funding is provided from the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR).

The object of the contract consists of designing and executing the diversion works in the areas between km 10+009 - km 12+000 and km 21+406 - km 24+890, related to the Brașov - Târgu Mureș - Cluj - Oradea Highway, AnchorSubsection 3A2:

Nădășelu - Mihăiești (km 8+700 - km 25+500), in accordance with the recommendations within the Technical Expertise, as well as the Technical Expertise Complement. The works related to the area between km 10+009 - km 12+000 involve diverting the route downstream by building a viaduct with a length of 1.2 km founded on large diameter bored piles, without affecting the slope affected by landslides and in a state of limited stability.

Regarding the area between km 21+406 - km 24+890, the highway route will be diverted in the area of km 21+406.49 by building a viaduct with a length of approximately 2 km, leading to the downstream crossing of the DN1F route and the course of the Țopa Mică stream, reaching the left bank of the latter, in a relatively flat area.

Connection to the existing route will be made in the area of km 24+890 of the original route. (Photo: Dreamstime)




