The NATIONAL COMPANY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A., as the Beneficiary of the financing, and the MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE, as the coordinator of reforms and/or investments for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, have agreed to conclude Financing Contract No. 53 for the project "Implementation and Integration of ITS Systems on the A1 Sibiu-Holdea Motorway" in order to grant financing through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Component 4. Sustainable Transport; Reform R1 - Sustainable Transport, Decarbonization, and Road Safety / Investment I3 - Development of Sustainable Road Infrastructure on the TEN-T network, road pricing, traffic management, and road safety.
The overall objective of the project is to implement intelligent transport systems (ITS) to enhance the efficiency and safety of transportation.
The specific objective of this project is to obtain the Works Intervention Approval Documentation, implicitly the Building Permit, the Technical Project, in accordance with Government Decision no. 907/2016, as well as the implementation of the ITS system on the sections of the A1 motorway from Sibiu to Holdea, the necessary remedies (from a technical point of view, where applicable), and the establishment of the Monitoring and Information Center in CIC Săliște, for the integration, management, and monitoring of ITS subsystems/equipment on the motorway section between Sibiu and Holdea, in accordance with the legislation for the implementation and integration of Intelligent Transport Systems.
The total value of the project is 11,095,649.30 lei, of which the value of the European funds related to the PNRR is 7,491,512.33 lei, national co-financing represents 1,832,562.71 lei, and the related VAT represents 1,771,574.26 lei.
Project duration:
The implementation period of the project starts from the date of its signing, namely from 03.04.2024 to 31.12.2026, including, if applicable, the period of carrying out project activities before the signing of the Financing Contract, according to the eligibility rules for expenses.