The National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure S.A., as the Beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as the Intermediate Body for Transport, have signed Additional Act No. 7 to Financing Contract No. 89/21.07.2017, for the project:
"Construction of the Lugoj - Deva Highway, Lot 2. Lot 3, Lot 4 (Dumbrava - Deva Sector)"
By signing Additional Act No. 7, one of the important clauses is modified:
Art.I (1) in General Conditions:
Art. 3- Contract value, paragraph (1) will have the following content:
The total value of the Financing Contract is 1,631,322,358.61 lei;
The eligible non-reimbursable value from the Cohesion Fund is in the amount of 1,065,264,879.38 lei, equivalent to 85% of the total eligible value.
The eligible co-financing value of the Beneficiary is in the amount of 187,987,919.87 lei, equivalent to 15% of the total eligible value.
The difference from the total project value represents ineligible expenses, including VAT.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.