Meteorological events are becoming increasingly unpredictable, intense, and damaging, note JLL experts. Today's cities are facing huge challenges in both preparing for and recovering from the growing impact of extreme weather events.
Devastating Effects
From extreme heat in southern Europe to the heaviest rainfall recorded in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, to floods in Brazil and cyclones devastating parts of southern Africa, cities are facing unprecedented physical risks.
Four out of five cities worldwide now face significant climate hazards such as heatwaves, floods, and droughts, according to the non-profit CDP, which surveyed 998 cities. Much of this extreme weather is due to climate change, coupled with the cyclical effects of El Niño in the latter part of 2023.
"Many cities are facing multiple threats due to extreme weather," says Jeremy Kelly, Global Director of Cities Research at JLL. "While they are currently establishing long-term resilience plans, they also need to deal with the immediate consequences of costly and unprecedented weather events."
Changing weather patterns have huge implications for real estate and the people living in cities. For nearly a third of the cities surveyed by CDP, climate hazards represent a threat to at least 70% of their population.
Over 90% of the world's largest companies will have at least one asset - offices, factories, warehouses, or data centers - financially exposed to climate risks such as water stress, fires, or floods by 2050, according to S&P Global.
Standing up to Heat
Rising temperatures have broken records for longer and more intense heatwaves in several urban areas in recent years. Cities, in response, are implementing a range of policies and measures to cool their streets.
Heat officers appointed by cities are increasingly taking the lead in combating rising temperatures and keeping local populations safe. Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, recently appointed Africa's first heat director, a role also invested in by cities like Miami, Melbourne, and Monterrey in Mexico.
"It's essential to be prepared. Heatwaves are a growing problem for cities, often putting pressure on outdated energy infrastructure to keep buildings cool through air conditioning," says Kelly, adding:
"In turn, this adds to carbon emissions (unless energy comes from renewable sources), fueling long-term global warming. In contrast, nature-based solutions can help cool urban areas in a more environmentally friendly way."
A Model
The city of Medellin in Colombia has reduced the effects of urban heat islands by 2°C in three years by creating 30 green corridors. Shaded routes with tens of thousands of indigenous trees and tropical plants include new bike lanes and walkways through the city.
It's not just about planting trees; it's also about keeping them alive in a changing climate. As part of Paris's plans to plant 170,000 trees by 2026, it's growing a variety of heat-resistant species in different locations, depending on their water and sunlight needs.
Traditional city infrastructure is also being rethought. South Korea's capital, Seoul, has removed a major elevated artery through its center, opening access to the river and reducing urban heat by at least half a degree Celsius.
Vienna in Austria has developed its "cool streets" initiative with four permanent streets and 18 pop-up streets featuring a mix of open-road surfaces with traffic restrictions, "mist showers" on hot days, water elements, and tree cover.
Roofs are also coming into focus. Many cities have introduced legislation mandating green roofs on new buildings and sometimes existing ones. Some cities offer financial incentives to install green infrastructure.
Hamburg in Germany subsidizes green roof measures with grants of up to €100,000, while New York has renewed its tax abatement program for green roofs. As a different tactic, cities like New York and Los Angeles paint roofs white to reflect sunlight.
"Resilience measures need to be more explicitly incorporated into existing building codes and city-level regulations," says Kelly. "Take Japan, for example, where they have very strict building codes regarding earthquakes and are ahead of the curve on cyclones.
We need to extend this thinking around broader resilience into city regulations. Many buildings are not prepared for the climate risks they are facing now, and owners don't understand the impact until it's too late."
Turning the Tide on Floods
Heavy rains are a critical threat facing many of today's cities. Research by C40, which analyzes nearly 100 member cities, found that flooding could cause $64 billion in damage in urban areas annually by 2050, even with current flood protection levels.
Meanwhile, the non-profit First Street Foundation and engineering firm Arup have identified 730,000 retail, office, and multi-unit residential properties annually at risk of flood damage in the US, costing over $16.9 billion per year by 2025.
Some cities, especially those in coastal areas, are already taking preventive measures. Shanghai, New York, and Cardiff are improving their "sponginess" (water absorption) by implementing urban gardens, improved river drainage, and more vegetation.
After a storm in 2011, which caused around $1 billion in damages, Copenhagen built Enghaveparken. Situated at the foot of a hill, it contains numerous chambers to safely retain and manage heavy rainfall. Rotterdam's Watersquare Benthemplein equally transforms from a submerged public square and basketball court into a major rainwater basin during heavy rains.
Thinking Boldly
Storms often bring heavy rains, causing disruptions to infrastructure and operations as usual. They're prompting some cities to invest in microgrids, self-sufficient energy systems that can generate and store their own energy and distribute it locally to connected buildings.
In Columbus, Ohio, a powerful storm in 2022 left hundreds of thousands without power for almost a week. The city recently installed the first of five planned microgrids with 100 kW of on-site solar generation and 440 kWh of battery energy storage.
San Diego is also investing in eight microgrids to support both short-term resilience and the long-term goal of being 100% powered by renewable sources by 2035.
"Today's cities need to be willing to think boldly about potential resilience measures and collaborate on a large scale to share knowledge about what works," says Kelly.
"Cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Amsterdam, and Paris have been pioneers in developing climate resilience strategies, but as climate risks continue to increase, even they will need to evolve. No city can afford to be complacent about what increasingly extreme weather means for their buildings or their people." (Photo: Freepik)