The National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure S.A., as the Beneficiary of the funding, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as the coordinator of reforms and/or investments for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, agreed on March 7, 2024, to conclude Financing Contract No. 50 for the project:
"Feasibility study and Project development for the authorization of construction works for road safety objectives in the town of Buftea" for the purpose of receiving funding through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Component 4. Sustainable Transport; Reform R1 - Sustainable transport, decarbonization, and road safety / Investment I3 - Development of sustainable road infrastructure on the TEN-T network, road charging, traffic management, and road safety.
The general objective of the project is to increase mobility on the TEN-T infrastructure network, ensuring an increase in road safety in the area of Buftea, by reducing the number of road accidents and traffic congestion.
The specific objectives of the project are:
· Establishment of a roundabout on DN 1A, intersection with Stirbei Voda Street (DJ 602), Buftea town;
· Establishment of an underground pedestrian passage on DN1A km 19+800 at the intersection with Mihai Eminescu Boulevard, Buftea town;
· Establishment of a roundabout on DN 7, intersection with Milano Street DJ 602 km 37+100;
The total value of the project is 31,902,381.08 lei, of which the value of European funds under the PNRR is 6,929,766.55 lei, the national public contribution is 20,108,671.04 lei, and the VAT amounts to 4,863,943.49 lei.
Duration of the Financing Contract: from the date of its signing by the parties and no later than December 31, 2026, including, if applicable, the period of implementation of project activities before the signing of the Financing Contract, according to the eligibility rules of expenditures.