

INS: Building permits issued



In February 2024, 2,556 building permits were issued for residential buildings, an increase of 39.7% compared to January 2024 and a decrease of 0.6% compared to February 2023.

During the period January 1st to February 29th, 2024, 4,385 building permits were issued for residential buildings, a decrease of 5.7% compared to the period January 1st to February 28th, 2023.

February 2024 compared to January 2024

In February 2024, 2,556 building permits were issued for residential buildings (+39.7% compared to January 2024), with a total useful area of ​​635,640 square meters (+51.0%). Out of the total building permits for residential buildings, 69.5% are for rural areas. In February 2024, there was an increase in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings compared to the previous month (+727 permits). In terms of regional distribution, this increase is reflected in all development regions:

- South-Muntenia (+165 permits)

- Northeast (+137)

- Northwest (+107)

- Bucharest-Ilfov (+101)

- Southwest Oltenia (+73)

- West (+70)

- Southeast and Center (+37 each).

In February 2024, 510 building permits were issued for non-residential buildings (+37.5% compared to January 2024), with a total useful area of ​​222,854 square meters (+44.9%).

Compared to the previous month, there was an increase in the useful area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+69,057 square meters). In terms of regional distribution, this increase is reflected in the following development regions:

- Northwest (+36,989 square meters)

- West (+33,334)

- Bucharest-Ilfov (+19,744)

- Northeast (+8,611)

- Southwest Oltenia (+3,905).

Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: Southeast (-19,723 square meters), Center (-10,132), and South-Muntenia (-3,671).

February 2024 compared to February 2023

In February 2024, there was a decrease in both the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-0.6%) and the total useful area (-20.2%) compared to February 2023. In terms of regional distribution, this decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-15 permits) is reflected in the following development regions:

- Center (-110 permits)

- Northwest (-71)

- Southeast (-22).

Increases were recorded in the following development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (+76 permits), South-Muntenia (+36), Southwest Oltenia (+35), West (+24), and Northeast (+17).

Compared to February 2023, there was an increase in the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+2.2%) and a decrease in the total useful area (-37.5%).

In terms of regional distribution, this decrease in the useful area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (-133,784 square meters) is reflected in the following development regions:

- Center (-84,751 square meters)

- Southeast (-29,429)

- Northeast (-27,465)

- South-Muntenia (-13,350)

- Bucharest-Ilfov (-3,269).

Increases were recorded in the following development regions: West (+20,759 square meters), Southwest Oltenia (+2,636), and Northwest (+1,085).

Period January 1st to February 29th, 2024 compared to January 1st to February 28th, 2023

During the period January 1st to February 29th, 2024, 4,385 building permits were issued for residential buildings, a decrease of 5.7% compared to the period January 1st to February 28th, 2023. Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: Center (-210 permits), Northwest (-146), and South-Muntenia (-50).

Increases were recorded in the following development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (+50 permits), West (+40), Southwest Oltenia (+28), and Northeast (+23). The same number of permits was issued in the Southeast region. (Photo: Dreamstime)




