

INS: Situation of building permits issuance



In April 2024, 3,578 building permits for residential buildings were issued, an increase of 17.8% compared to March 2024 and 33.7% compared to April 2023.

From January 1 to April 30, 2024, 11,000 building permits for residential buildings were issued, an increase of 3.1% compared to the period from January 1 to April 30, 2023.

April 2024 compared to March 2024

In April 2024, 3,578 building permits for residential buildings were issued (+17.8% compared to March 2024), with a total usable area of 864,175 square meters (+23.2%). Of the total building permits for residential buildings, 69.7% are for rural areas. In April 2024, there was an increase in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings compared to the previous month (+541 permits).

Territorially, this increase is reflected in the following development regions: North-East (+141 permits), South-Muntenia (+132), West (+93), Center (+82), North-West (+71), and Bucharest-Ilfov (+39). Decreases were recorded in the South-East development region (-15 permits) and South-West Oltenia (-2).

In April 2024, 599 building permits for non-residential buildings were issued (+0.2% compared to March 2024), with a total usable area of 607,400 square meters (+88.9%). Compared to the previous month, April 2024 saw an increase in the usable area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+285,923 square meters).

Territorially, this increase is reflected in the following development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (+259,019 square meters), North-West (+45,619), North-East (+28,578), South-Muntenia (+463), and South-West Oltenia (+288). Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: West (-31,717 square meters), Center (-15,823), and South-East (-504).

April 2024 compared to April 2023

In April 2024, there was an increase in both the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (+33.7%) and the total usable area (+48.3%) compared to April 2023.

Territorially, this increase in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (+901 permits) is reflected in all development regions: North-East (+213 permits), South-Muntenia (+151), North-West (+141), West (+136), Center (+131), Bucharest-Ilfov (+111), South-East (+15), and South-West Oltenia (+3).

Compared to April 2023, April 2024 saw an increase in both the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+28.3%) and the total usable area (+77.3%).

Territorially, this increase in the usable area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+264,769 square meters) is reflected in the following development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (+277,792 square meters), North-East (+57,343), North-West (+21,989), South-East (+14,071), and South-West Oltenia (+3,753).

Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: South-Muntenia (-65,550 square meters), West (-29,755), and Center (-14,874). (Photo: Freepik)




