Minister Adrian-Ioan Veștea recently conducted a working visit to the city of Bistrița, where he inspected the progress of projects funded by the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration.
Rehabilitation and Modernization of Tudor Jarda Music High School: The Tudor Jarda Music High School is currently undergoing rehabilitation and modernization using funds from the National Local Development Program (Phase II). The total investment for this project amounts to 9,026,616.56 lei.
Building Renovations and Energy Performance Improvements: Under the National Program for Improving the Energy Performance of Apartment Buildings for the period 2022-2024, 729,248.51 lei has been allocated for the consolidation of a building with 40 apartments in the city. Additionally, 160 social housing units, totaling 83,402,535.45 lei, are under construction through the Multiannual Program for the Construction of Social and Essential Housing, in accordance with Law no. 114/1996, for the period 2023-2026.
Rehabilitation of Tărpiului Street: Tărpiului Street is set to undergo rehabilitation and modernization with over 1 million lei under the National Investment Program "Anghel Saligny."
Modernization of the Underground Road Passage on Gării Street: A request for 41.8 million lei has been made for the modernization of the underground road passage on Gării Street.
Construction of a Modern Nursery in Subcetate: In Subcetate, the Ministry of Development, through the National Investment Company (Compania Națională de Investiții or CNI), is providing funding of 11,886,810.72 lei (PNRR funds) for the construction and equipping of a modern, nearly Zero-Energy Building (nZEB) nursery with a capacity of 4 groups (40 children). This nursery will contribute to the harmonious development of children and offer them a modern and safe environment for learning and socializing.
Social Housing for Young People in Subcetate: The National Housing Agency (Agenția Națională de Locuințe or ANL) has funded the construction of 414 rental housing units for young people in Subcetate, totaling 36,606,228.87 lei.
Public Transport Infrastructure: Using approximately 13 million euros in non-repayable European funds, the public transport axis on the route Str. Gării – B-dul Decebal – Str. Andrei Mureșanu – Str. Năsăudului is being reconfigured, including the construction of an underground pedestrian passage on B-dul Decebal (in the market area).
Consolidation and Modernization of Liviu Rebreanu National College: The historical monument of national importance, the Corpul A building of Liviu Rebreanu National College, which is one of the most representative eclectic buildings in Bistrița and Bistrița-Năsăud County, is set to be consolidated and modernized with 47,018,164.22 lei in funding from CNI. After completion, the college will have 28 classrooms, 7 offices, 3 computer labs, 2 physics labs, and labs dedicated to chemistry, biology, and information technology, all equipped with modern facilities and furniture.
Minister Adrian Veștea emphasized the government's support for the modernization and improvement of educational institutions, the construction of new housing, the consolidation of buildings at risk of seismic activity, as well as the development of street infrastructure and public transport. These investments in infrastructure and education are crucial for the balanced and unified development of local communities.