At the proposal of the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDLPA), the Government has approved, through an Emergency Ordinance, the implementation of measures in the implementation of the National Local Development Program (PNDL) and the National Investment Program "Anghel Saligny" (PNI AS).
For PNDL, the possibility of submitting a new request for supplementation is introduced, only once, to finance the strictly necessary expenses for the completion of the objectives included in the two stages of the program.
Requests can be submitted by beneficiaries at least three months before the expiration date of the financing contract or until December 31, 2023, by beneficiaries who have not submitted any transfer requests until the entry into force of the ordinance.
It is also proposed that beneficiaries of PNDL who, until the entry into force of this normative act, have not requested any transfers of funds from the state budget under the financing contracts, also have the possibility to request the termination of financing contracts by mutual agreement by sending an address to the MDLPA.
In the event that, after December 31, 2023, there are still beneficiaries who have not requested any transfer of funds from the state budget under the financing contracts and are not in a public procurement procedure for the award of the contract related to the implementation of the investment objective financed through PNDL, the financing contracts in which they are involved cease automatically.
Regarding PNI AS, the remaining amounts available from the total allocation of the program can be used to supplement the amounts from the financing contracts with the amounts resulting from the application of price adjustment clauses of the public/sectoral procurement contracts concluded for the implementation of the investment objectives financed through the Program.
The request for supplementation can be submitted on the electronic platform only after the full transfer of the amounts allocated by the financing contract.
During the validity period of the financing contract, after the registration of the last work situation, beneficiaries can submit a new supplementation request, including the amount representing the adjustment of prices for the contribution from the state budget provided in the financing contracts, if it exceeds the estimate made by the first supplementation request.
In the case where there are no commitment credits available for granting the supplementation representing the adjustment of prices for the contribution from the state budget, the submitted requests are centralized by the MDLPA and will be considered when commitment credits are available from the total allocated value of the program, in chronological order of submission.
At the same time, the normative act proposes the creation of a legal framework for beneficiaries listed in the approved order with investment objectives in the roads and/or bridges category to conclude financing contracts even if, at the same location, investments in the water/sewerage category are made through POIM, with the mention that the regional operator of the water supply and/or sewerage service declares that the technical solution does not involve interventions on the road funded under PNI AS.