

Optimizing the regulatory framework in the field of construction, for the attention of the Ministry of Development



The Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration organized the final conference of the project "Increasing the coherence of the regulatory framework and the efficiency of technical regulations in the construction sector" (code MySMIS 129900/SIPOCA 731).

The project's implementation contributes to optimizing the technical regulations framework and developing methodological tools to ensure quality design in the field of engineering and architecture, meeting the commitments made at the government level.

The project is being carried out with a focus on transposing and implementing community acts in the construction sector into national legislation.

The activities carried out within the project and the resulting normative acts propose new approaches and standards correlated with priorities and challenges related to climate neutrality, sustainable development, adaptation to climate change, digital transformation, public health, supporting the sustainability of the built environment, and improving the quality of life. The specific themes include:

  • Energy performance of buildings
  • Indoor air quality assurance
  • Reduction of natural disaster risks and adaptation to changes
  • Digitalization in the construction sector
  • Regulation regarding transport infrastructure
  • Maintenance of quality requirements in construction

The conference aimed to promote the results obtained in the project's implementation to all stakeholders, considering the role of each party in the unified and coherent application of normative provisions to ensure construction quality in their areas of competence and the efficient management of funds.

The project, conducted over a period of 4 years starting from October 15, 2019, is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Operational Program for Administrative Capacity (POCA 2014 – 2020).




