During the first six months of 2023, the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) registered a total of 598,440 properties for citizens free of charge.
In the same period, systematic registration works were completed in 25 administrative-territorial units (ATUs) and cadastral sectors, covering an area of over 400,000 hectares.
Overall, through the implemented programs, ANCPI completed the registration of properties in the integrated cadastre and land registry system in 193 localities and 22,372 cadastral sectors, with a total registered area exceeding 4.7 million hectares.
ANCPI, a public institution under the Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration (MDLPA), carries out systematic registration works in the integrated cadastre and land registry system, free of charge for citizens, in 2,405 out of a total of 3,181 ATUs.
The area currently under processing, for which new land registers will be opened, is over 6.9 million hectares. Funding is provided through ANCPI's own revenues, the National Cadastral and Land Registry Program (PNCCF), and non-repayable European funds through the Regional Operational Program (ROP) 2014-2020.
Out of the 193 localities where systematic registration works were completed, 74 benefited from European funds through the major project "Increasing the coverage and inclusion of the property registration system in rural areas of Romania," funded by ROP.
Currently, systematic cadastral works are being carried out, with European funding, at the level of the entire locality in 483 communes.
Out of the total of 9.54 million hectares of agricultural land eligible for subsidies from APIA, 7.10 million hectares (74%) have been registered in the integrated cadastre and land registry system.
The National Cadastral and Land Registry Program (PNCCF) aims to register all properties (land and buildings) in Romania in the integrated cadastre and land registry system, free of charge for citizens. The program is funded through ANCPI's own revenues, European funds, and the local budgets of municipalities.
ANCPI is the beneficiary of the major project "Increasing the coverage and inclusion of the property registration system in rural areas of Romania," included in Priority Axis 11 of ROP 2014-2020. The project complements the objectives of PNCCF by conducting systematic registration works for 5,758,314 hectares in 660 ATUs located in rural areas of Romania.
The total value of the project is 312,891,155 euros, of which 265,957,482 euros represent non-repayable external funds from the European Union, and 46,933,673 euros represent co-financing from the state budget.
More information about PNCCF is available on the ANCPI website at https://www.ancpi.ro/pnccf/.