

MDLPA reaction against information deemed to be erroneous



Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration clarifications following the article "Official who destroyed ANL archive" published by Anchete Speciale on January 27, 2024:

  1. Directive for Destruction of ANL Archive: The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration wishes to emphasize that no directive for the destruction of the National Housing Agency (ANL) archive has been issued.

Through Control Report no. 142669/16.12.2022 from the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (when Adrian-Ioan Veștea was not the Minister of Development), a series of measures were ordered, one of which concerned the archiving and storage of documents within the ANL.

To verify matters concerning the archiving and storage of documents at the Agency, the inspection team conducted a visit to the spaces located in the basement of the ANL headquarters. Thus, archive spaces are found in sections I and IV of the basement of the building, equipped with shelves, and documents are filed under optimal storage conditions.

Moreover, sections I and IV have been verified and approved by the National Archives. In sections II and III, the control team found documents belonging to the directorates, stored without archiving, and some of these were severely damaged due to floods that affected the Agency's basement. The stored documents were not submitted at that time to the Administrative and Archiving Office for archiving, in accordance with legal provisions.

Therefore, to comply with legal provisions regarding the preservation and archiving of documents of the Agency, a measure was ordered to the ANL management to take steps to organize and inventory the documents stored in improper conditions for proper archiving or destruction.

Following the verification conducted by ANL representatives, these documents were found to be in an advanced state of degradation, leading to the impossibility of conducting an inventory for proper archiving. Consequently, the decision was made to destroy these documents.

  1. Involvement of Former Minister Elena Udrea in ANL Projects: Regarding the involvement of former Minister Elena Udrea in the allocation of subsidized state apartments, where their market value significantly increased in recent years, it is stated that from 2018 to the present, Anchete Speciale publication, through Mr. Răzvan Durlan as publisher, sent a series of requests to the National Housing Agency (ANL) regarding the Godeni ANL neighborhood, Pinului Entrance, a project implemented by the Agency through its own housing construction program via mortgage credit. ANL responded to these requests:
  • Through letter no. 17748/9.08.2021 - "The ANL Housing Construction Program through Mortgage Credit is not only addressed to young people up to 35 years old.

Within this program, the goal was to develop new real estate projects, in accordance with legal provisions, without ANL providing funding from the state budget. In accordance with Article 2 paragraph 9 of Law no. 152/1998 regarding the establishment of the National Housing Agency, "the funding resources for the construction of houses with mortgage credit carried out through ANL programs consist of the applicants' own resources and/or mortgage loans granted by authorized financial institutions according to the law."

  • Through letter no. 19101/24.08.2021 - "All beneficiaries in the Godeni location have ensured the financing of the houses with mortgage loans granted by banking institutions that had agreements with ANL at that time. Beneficiaries of houses in the Godeni neighborhood did not benefit from subsidies from the state budget, through ANL, namely the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration."
  • Through letter no. 3836/9.03.2018 - "ANL cannot provide the list of beneficiaries of houses built through the mortgage credit program in the Godeni location, Sector 6, Bucharest. For the 103 housing units in the Godeni location, Sector 6, Bucharest, 166 applicants applied, 6 of them not meeting the banking solvency conditions.

The criteria for allocating points to applicants included age, housing status, marital status, dependents, and disabilities. In the case of equal scores, the following ranking order was considered: date of form submission, disability, housing status, age, marital status, and dependent children."

  • Through letter no. 7811/8.05.2020 - "The ANL Housing Ownership Program, built through mortgage credit, is addressed to all Romanian citizens who have reached the age of 18, regardless of the applicant's age.

To purchase a house built through this program, financing is required, represented by an advance payment (submitted by the applicant) and a mortgage loan (contracted by the applicant from partner banks). In accordance with the new provisions of Law no. 152/1998 regarding the establishment of the National Housing Agency, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, applicants can also purchase with full payment from their own resources, without the need for a bank loan.

The distribution and allocation of housing units, built in the Godeni location, Sector 6, Bucharest, through the mortgage credit program, were carried out in accordance with all legal provisions. After allocation, beneficiaries also had the legal possibility to assign the construction contracts of the houses or, after their completion, to sell them through a sale-purchase contract."

  • Through letter no. 9013/15.05.2020 - "The ANL Housing Ownership Program, built through mortgage credit, is addressed to all Romanian citizens who have reached the age of 18 and who can finance the house built by the agency (represented by an advance payment by the applicant and a loan contracted by the applicant from partner banks).

Contracting houses with mortgage credit from the Godeni location was based on the provisions of Law no. 152/1998 regarding the establishment of the National Housing Agency, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, Government Decision no. 962/2001 approving the Methodological Norms for the implementation of Law no. 152/1998 regarding the establishment of the National Housing Agency, Government Decision no. 620/2001 approving the Organization and Functioning Regulation of ANL (Chapter 3 ANL Duties; Chapter 5 ANL Management, Administration, and Structure).

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 152/1998 regarding the establishment of the National Housing Agency, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, Article 2, paragraph (9), the financing resources for the construction of houses with mortgage credit carried out through ANL programs consist of the applicants' own resources and/or mortgage loans granted by authorized financial institutions according to the law; therefore, the value of contracts for project development through mortgage credit is not a matter of public interest.

Furthermore, through the lawsuit filed by Răzvan Durlan, publisher of Anchete Speciale, against the National Housing Agency, filed with the Bucharest Tribunal (CASE NO. 10622/3/2021), filed under Law no. 544/2001 on free access to public information, a series of information and data regarding the Godeni location were requested, as well as information and data regarding the general contractor SC CONCAS SA (the project value of Godeni, the budgets allocated by ANL in the last 15 years to SC CONCAS SA, why a building was constructed that was not part of the project presented to the public, etc.). By Civil Judgment no. 6787/09.11.2021, the court rejected the plaintiff's lawsuit as unfounded, a judgment that became final without appeal.




