CNAIR (Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere) has signed the contract for the elaboration of the Feasibility Study for the "HIGH-SPEED ROAD DOMAȘNEA - CARANSEBEȘ" with the declared winning bidder, namely the Consortium PROIECT-CONSTRUCT REGIUNEA TRANSILVANIA SRL - PERFECT CONSULT EUROPE S.R.L. - EAST WATER DRILLINGS SRL.
The value of the service contract is 22,293,357.64 lei without VAT, and the source of funding is from the Transport Program for the budgetary programming period of the European Union for 2021-2027.
The contract duration is 24 months from the Contract Start Date, of which 22 months are allocated for the completion of the Feasibility Study. The estimated length of this high-speed road is 44 km.