The NATIONAL COMPANY OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT S.A., as the Applicant, has developed and submitted the Funding Application for the project "Integrated Infrastructure for the Orbital Area of Bucharest Municipality - Phase II" for the purpose of obtaining non-reimbursable financing allocated through the Transport Program 2021-2027.
The funding is provided under component RSO3.1_Development of a resilient, intelligent, safe, sustainable, and intermodal TEN-T network - Cohesion Fund; Priority: P1. Improvement of primary road connectivity;
Specific objective: RSO3.1_Development of a TEN-T network, resilient to climate change, intelligent, safe, sustainable, and intermodal Fund: Cohesion Fund; Operation: Investments for the development of high-speed road infrastructure sections on the primary network - CF.
The general objective of the project is to create high-quality road infrastructure as part of the national road infrastructure network to facilitate long-distance freight and passenger traffic, as well as local traffic specific to the metropolitan area, ensuring an adequate level of traffic safety;
Increasing accessibility in the area and new investment opportunities due to the execution of new and modernized infrastructure that generates time and cost savings for all road users. The project is part of the Central TEN-T network, comprising the transit area, with a highway profile, of Bucharest Municipality.
The specific objective of the project is the construction of 49.57 km of highway, including 30 bridges and passages, 5 road junctions, 5 parking lots, 1 Coordination and Maintenance Center, 1 Support and Maintenance Point, and 1 service area.
The total value of the project is 16,720,898,187.97 lei, and it will be financed through the Transport Program 2021-2027, with a own contribution of 4,037,609,228.53 lei. The project's duration is 122 months.