

The current situation of the A8 (Autostrada Unirii) from Târgu Mureș to Ungheni



According to CNAIR, the current situation of the A8 (Unirii Highway) from Târgu Mureș to Ungheni is as follows:

Contracts for the sections financed through PNRR have already been signed.

Section Târgu Mureș – Miercurea Nirajului (24.4 km)

Contractor: Nurol Insaat VE Ticaret A.S. (Turkey);

Contract duration: 30 months (6 months design, 24 months execution);

Contract value: 2.46 billion lei, excluding VAT.

Section Leghin - Târgu Neamț (29.9 km)

Contractor: Association SA&PE Construct SRL – Spedition UMB SRL – Tehnostrade

Contract duration: 30 months (6 months design, 24 months execution);

Contract value: 1.56 billion lei, excluding VAT.

As part of the Feasibility Study, Section II Miercurea Nirajului – Leghin, km 22+000 – km 181+195, part of the Târgu Mureș – Târgu Neamț Highway, has been divided into 6 distinct sectors as follows:

- Lot 1b: Miercurea Nirajului - Sărățeni (km 22+000 – km 45+400)

- Lot 1c: Sărățeni - Joseni (km 45+400 – km 77+800)

- Lot 1d: Joseni - Ditrău (km 77+800 – km 92+195)

- Lot 2a: Ditrău - Grințieș (km 0+000 – km 37+900)

- Lot 2b: Grințieș – Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 72+000)

- Lot 2c: Pipirig - Vânători Neamț (Leghin) (km 72+000 – km 89+000)

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 265/2008, art.10, para (3): "Road safety audit is an integral part of a road infrastructure project, materialized in a road safety audit report and is mandatory, corresponding to each of the following stages, in compliance with the provisions laid down in Annex no. 2

a) feasibility study/works approval documentation;

b) technical project and execution details;

c) prior to the reception at the end of the works on the public road;

d) immediately after the commissioning of the public road, in traffic."

Therefore, to comply with the aforementioned provisions, CNAIR initiated the steps for the realization of Stage 1 of the Road Safety Audit (out of the 4 stages according to the current legislation) related to the Feasibility Study, for each of the 6 sectors.

The Road Safety Audits for lots 1b and 2c have been completed, however, CNAIR, analyzing the recommendations from the audit report prepared for Lot 1b, proceeded based on Law 265/2008 regarding road traffic safety management - with subsequent amendments, Article 14, paragraph 3, in contestation of measures that would have major implications for the implementation of the Design and Works Execution Contract.

For Lots 1c, Sărățeni - Joseni (km 45+400 – km 77+800), 1d, Joseni - Ditrău (km 77+800 – km 92+195), 2a, Ditrău - Grințieș (km 0+000 – km 37+900), 2b, Grințieș - Pipirig (km 37+900 – km 72+000), CNAIR forwarded the signed contracts on 26.02.2024 to the Romanian Road Authority (ARR), with a duration of 90 days from the date of communication.

The Romanian Road Authority (ARR) appointed road safety auditors on 04.03.2024, and CNAIR submitted all necessary documentation for the preparation of the Audit Reports on 05.03.2024.

The Road Safety Audit reports are currently being developed, and CNAIR ensures constant communication with the appointed auditors for any clarifications.

The realization of the Road Safety Audit at the Feasibility Study stage is mandatory according to current legislation.

Furthermore, promoting a Feasibility Study for the design and execution stage, without completing the Road Safety Audit report, can generate, depending on the auditor's measures, blockages in the implementation of the design and execution contract, through possible technical solution modifications, as well as additional costs exceeding the initially foreseen financial resources.

Avoiding blockages in the design and execution stage can only be achieved by logically following the necessary steps defined by the current legislation.

For the other lots and sections, the situation is as follows:

Târgu Neamț – Iași – Ungheni Highway

On 12.12.2023, the presentation memorandum was sent to be submitted to the Iași Environmental Protection Agency. Errors were identified in the documentation, which were remedied, and the necessary additions were submitted by CNAIR.

Additionally, the contractor submitted the documentation required for obtaining the water management approval, with comments issued on 16.02.2024. The contractor submitted the requested additions on 05.03.2024, and currently awaits feedback from the Bârlad and Siret River Basin Administrations.

The Feasibility Study was submitted on 15.02.2024 by the contractor CONSITRANS S.A.

Following the analysis, it was found that the Feasibility Study is incomplete and presents numerous errors/shortcomings, being rejected by CNAIR on 05.03.2024.

The deadline for submitting the Feasibility Study, 15.02.2024, was not respected and was not extended, therefore penalties for delay are currently being recorded.

Currently, the identification of landowners is in progress, encountering issues due to lack of information in the Costești, Lețcani, Rediu, Popricani, and Golăești UAT areas.

The contractor, CONSITRANS, undertook in the progress meetings organized by CNAIR to submit the missing documents from the Feasibility Study by the end of the week.

The situation regarding the progress of all projects is updated monthly and posted on the CNAIR website under the "project status" section.

Additionally, we publicly reiterate the invitation addressed to the management of the National Road Infrastructure Investment Company (CNIR) to undertake the legal and procedural steps for taking over the A8 (Unirii Highway) project. (Photo: Pexels)




