COMPANIA NATIONALĂ DE ADMINISTRARE A INFRASTRUCTURII RUTIERE S.A., as the Beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, and Communications, as the Intermediate Body for Transport, have signed Additional Act No. 5 to Financing Contract No. 90/21.07.2017 for the project:
"Rehabilitation of DN66, Rovinari-Petrosani, km 48+900 - km 126+000 (Phase II) - PHASE II."
By signing Additional Act No. 5, one of the important clauses is modified:
General Conditions:
Art. 3 - Contract value, paragraph (1) will be modified and will have the following content:
The difference from the total project value represents ineligible expenses, including VAT.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.