

The Super-Technologization of Plumbing



Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the field of plumbing, and this sector is expected to experience significant growth as homeowners are seen to invest more in home retechnology projects.

A global market of over ten billion euros

According to an article published in "Harware Retailing" magazine, experts from the Freedonia Group estimate that the plumbing and fixtures market will grow by 6.3% in 2023, reaching a turnover of over ten billion euros. The residential market will account for more than three-fifths of the demand and will bring in the largest gains.

Although technology-based products will account for only a portion of these sales, as younger consumers opt for more spacious living spaces, these future plumbing options are sure to impact consumer demand.

The Freedonia Group's study was based on responses from a group of retailers who serve customers at their homes. These retailers sell plumbing products both in their stores and through home visits, and most believe that technology will continue to gain ground and transform their customers' homes.

As such, two-thirds of respondents stated that most of their customers want to build as smart homes as possible, with plumbing products aligning with this preference.

Technology Means Personal Comfort

Most of the new bathroom and kitchen technologies are designed around the concept of the customer's personal comfort. For example, more and more products are being introduced that allow users to stream live music to their showers through wireless technology. Another system even allows users to control lighting and water pressure through a digital interface.

So, not only is "bathroom music" becoming integrated into the plumbing category, but so are LED lights. Another example includes LED lights integrated into toilet bowls, which illuminate when used at night. Another novelty is LED rings installed in bathroom sinks, which shine in red and blue colors to indicate water temperature.

While the trend of in-shower music and shower control systems is gaining ground, ecological plumbing technology is also experiencing increased consumer interest.

Eco-friendly products are not only relatively affordable but also save money by reducing water consumption over time without affecting daily usage. Innovative products and the promotion of eco-friendly building practices are excellent selling points for retailers. Thus, 90% of those surveyed have already offered "green" plumbing products.

Water Conservation in the Spotlight

Other examples of appliances that integrate technology and ecological features can be found in dishwashers. Manufacturers continue to develop products that meet higher energy efficiency standards and save water, while others use rinse cycle water for a subsequent wash.

As a result, an average family that washes four times a week could save 500 liters of water per year by using a smart dishwasher, according to

Newly developing technologies have the ability to combine home automation with eco-friendly practices. For instance, new sprinkler systems attach to controllers that use Wi-Fi to download a seven-day weather forecast, adjusting the sprinklers accordingly. Finding ways to conserve and even reuse water is crucial, as water costs are increasing by 6-7% annually, according to Builder Online.

Graywater Recycling

One way to transition to water conservation is through graywater recycling. This system uses water from showers, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers, which contains very few pathogens and requires minimal treatment before being reused, such as for toilet flushing or lawn irrigation. The cost of installing a graywater system in a new home ranges from $500 to $2,500, according to HGTV.

No-Tank Water Heater

Another eco-friendly product gaining popularity in plumbing is the tankless water heater. A storage water heater is an insulated tank that holds 20 to 80 liters of water. Tankless heaters provide a constant supply of hot water and are energy-efficient.

Specialized media have found that tankless water heaters use approximately 22% less energy than storage units. Despite the water-saving benefits, tankless units tend to be more expensive than storage units, so retailers should be able to discuss both the positives and negatives of these products with consumers.

In addition to some of the more technologically advanced eco-products mentioned above, eco-friendly practices in plumbing have led to a new program called WaterSense.

The WaterSense program was created to find ways for consumers, communities, and the environment to efficiently use water while also conserving resources for the future. Retailers interested in WaterSense-labeled products can collaborate with the EPA to obtain approved products for their stores.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy home can be achieved in various ways, and many new plumbing products help create a more hygienic living space.

Touchless buttons are now an option homeowners are considering because they allow users to have a hands-free experience while avoiding the spread of germs and contaminants.

While eco-practices will continue to evolve and develop, retailers offering environmentally friendly products should communicate these eco-options to their customers. This not only helps those looking to save money on their water bills but also contributes to better conservation practices.




