In July 2023, 3,056 building permits were issued for residential buildings, increasing by 1.3% compared to June 2023 and decreasing by 20.9% compared to July 2022.
In the period 1.1 – 31.VII.2023, 20196 building permits were issued for residential buildings, down by 24.0% compared to the period 1.1 – 31.VII.2022.
July 2023 compared to June 2023 In July 2023, 3,056 building permits were issued for residential buildings (+1.3% compared to June 2023), with a total usable area of 871,621 sqm (+8.9%). Of the total building permits for residential buildings, 68.5% are for the rural area.
In July 2023, there is an increase in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings compared to the previous month (+38 permits). In terms of territory, this growth is reflected in the following development regions:
South-West Oltenia (+56 authorizations), Center (+46), North-East (+35) and Bucharest-Ilfov (+24). Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: South-Muntenia (-62 authorizations), West (-29), North-West (-26) and South-East (-6).
In July 2023, 548 building permits were issued for non-residential buildings (-4.5% compared to June 2023), in a total useful area of 443557 sqm (+35.6%). Compared to the previous month, in the month of July 2023 there was an increase in the usable area of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+116,490 sqm).
In terms of territorial profile, this growth is reflected in the following development regions: North-West (+131948 sqm), West (+43469), Bucharest-Ilfov (+31572), South-East (+8312) and Center (+4495) . Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: North-East (-82408 sqm), South-West Oltenia (-17449) and South-Muntenia (-3449).
July 2023 compared to July 2022 In July 2023, there is a decrease in both the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-20.9%) and the total usable area (-23.8%), compared to July 2022.
In a territorial profile, this decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-809 permits) is reflected in the following development regions:
South-Muntenia (-206 authorizations), Bucharest-Ilfov (-201), West (-148), North-East (-102), South-East (-101), North-West (-56), and South- West Oltenia (-10). Growth was registered in the Center development region (+15 permits).
Compared to July 2022, in July 2023 there was an increase in both the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+4.0%) and the total usable area (+73.3%).
In terms of territory, this increase in the usable surface area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+187,612 sqm) is reflected in the following development regions:
North-West (+154167 sqm), North-East (+34280), West (+28497), Bucharest-Ilfov (+21766) and South-East (+5351). Decreases were recorded in the following development regions: Center (-33348 sq m), South-Muntenia (-21780) and South-West Oltenia (-1321).