The National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure (COMPANIA NAȚIONALĂ DE ADMINISTRARE A INFRASTRUCTURII RUTIERE S.A.), as the Applicant, has prepared and submitted the Financing Application for the project "Design and Construction of the Albita-Leuseni Bridge" in order to obtain a grant allocated through CEF-T-202-MILMOB —WORKS (CEF 2 Transport – Adaptation of the TEN-T road network for dual civilian-defense use; Military Mobility Package). CEF 2 - The Military Mobility Package promotes actions that contribute to the adaptation of transport infrastructure to enable the movement of troops and military equipment.
The general objective of the project is the construction of new transport infrastructure located on the TEN-T network in Romania, as well as the cross-border connection between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, to ensure smooth and technically adequate road traffic in accordance with current regulations.
The specific objective of the project is to build a 2x2 lane bridge, part of the global TEN-T network, to improve both civilian and military mobility.
The total length of the alignment is 420 meters, of which the length of the bridge is 161 meters.
The total project value is 34,308,903.00 Euros, of which the contribution from the European Union is 17,154,451.50 Euros. The project's duration is 36 months.