The NATIONAL COMPANY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A., as Applicant, has prepared and submitted the Financing Application for the project:
"Feasibility Study Elaboration, Technical Documentation for Building Permit (PAC), and Technical Project Elaboration for the investment objective "Flamanzi Bypass" in order to obtain non-reimbursable funding allocated through the Transport Program 2021-2027, within the RSO3.2 component Development and increase of sustainable, climate-resilient, smart, and intermodal national, regional, and local mobility, including improving access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility - European Regional Development Fund;
Priority: P2. Improvement of secondary road connectivity;
Specific objective: RSO3.2 Development and increase of sustainable, climate-resilient, smart, and intermodal national, regional, and local mobility, including improving access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility.
The general objective of the project is to improve Romania's economic competitiveness by developing transport infrastructure that facilitates economic integration into the EU, thus contributing to the development of the domestic market in order to create conditions for increased investment volume, promoting sustainable transport, and cohesion in the European road network.
The specific objectives of the project are: Conducting the Feasibility Study, preparing the technical documentation for the Building Permit (PAC), and elaborating the Technical Project for the investment objective Flamanzi Bypass.
The total value of the project is: 5,864,279.00 lei and will be financed through the Transport Program as follows:
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund through the Transport Program 2021-2027.
(Photo: Freepik)