Reveal Marketing Research conducted a nationally representative study to measure the perceptions and behaviors of Romanians regarding environmental issues in the construction industry, especially considering the excessive consumption of the Earth's natural resources that threatens the future of the next generations.
Romanians believe that innovation and modernity offer significant opportunities for environmental issues, and their openness and trust in sustainable building materials are steadily increasing.
According to the results of the Reveal Marketing Research study, modernization is becoming increasingly important in ensuring the quality of life and protecting the planet, with 84% of Romanians believing that the management and use of innovation and technology can positively influence environmental protection.
This perception is especially prevalent among individuals aged 35-44 (96%), which is also the age group that more frequently chooses "green" or ecological products and solutions in their daily lives (14% vs. 11% of the total sample).
The sustainability of construction is essential for environmental protection, long-term cost reduction, and improvement in human quality of life. In the view of 37% of Romanians, the ideal house is characterized by sustainability (compared to 28% in 2022).