THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT S.A., as Beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as Intermediate Body for Transport, have signed Additional Act No. 3 to Financing Contract No. 42/20.08.2019, for the project: "Revision/Update of Feasibility Study and Elaboration of Technical Project for the 'Link Road between A1 and DN7 (DJ 711A)' – Widening to 4 lanes".
By signing Additional Act No. 3, the following important conditions are modified:
Art.I. General conditions Article 3 - Contract value, paragraphs (1) and (2)
The total value of the Financing Contract is 670,823.90 lei;
The eligible non-refundable value from the European Regional Development Fund is 487,058.50 lei, equivalent to 85% of the approved total eligible value.
Art.II. (6) The eligible co-financing value of the Beneficiary at POIM is 15%, amounting to 85,951.50 lei.
The ineligible value, including VAT, is 97,813.90 lei.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020. (Photo: Dreamstime)