The most popular months for apartment sales are January and August, while tenants prefer to search for properties in August and September.
100 contacts per advertisement per year's analysis, which presents the most popular months for buying and renting, takes into account the number of contacts per advertisement in a month (interactions between those searching and those publishing ads on the platform), reported over the last three years.
Therefore, 100 is the average number of contacts per advertisement in a month, reported over the last three years. If a month has an index of 110, it means it registers 10% more contacts than the average. If a month has an index of 90, it means it registers 10% fewer contacts than the average.
The most popular months for sales
January was the most popular month for homes for sale, generating 25% more contacts than the average for house ads and 29% more contacts for apartment ads.
In August, there were 16% more contacts than the average for apartments and 12% more for houses.
Other months that generated contacts above the average were March (+12% for houses, +11% for apartments) and February (+11% for both apartments and houses). On the other hand, the months with the fewest contacts were October, November, and December.
The most popular months for rentals
The most popular months for renting apartments are August and September, with 56% and 57% more contacts than the average, respectively. As for rented houses, the most contacts were observed in June (+46%), followed by August (+34%), May (+31%), and July (+26%).
At the same time, the months with the fewest contacts for rental properties were February and December (both for houses and apartments), with April being the weakest month for rented apartments.
Months in which land sales are searched for
Land listings on received the most contacts in January (+35% compared to the average), followed by March (+24%), February (+23%), and August (+18%). On the other hand, the fewest contacts for land sales were recorded in June (-5% compared to the average), November (-6%), and December (-9%).
The analysis was conducted by, the real estate platform launched by OLX, as part of the "Smart Road Home" initiative, through which the brand aims to contribute to transparent information necessary for all buyers, tenants, owners, agents, and developers, with the purpose of supporting them in making informed real estate decisions.