In October 2023, a total of 63,630 properties were sold across the country, which is 8,016 more than in September.
The number of houses, lands, and apartments involved in transactions in October is 3,703 higher than the same period in 2022.
The highest number of property sales in October 2023 were recorded in Bucharest - 11,500, Ilfov - 5,014, and Brasov - 3,706. The counties with the fewest properties sold during the same period are Teleorman - 121, Olt - 294, and Caras-Severin - 444.
The number of mortgages at the national level in October 2023 was 29,295, which is 7,028 higher than in October 2022. The most mortgage operations of this kind were recorded in Bucharest - 6,061, Ilfov - 2,426, and Timiș - 2,079. On the other hand, the counties with the fewest mortgages are Salaj - 60, Harghita - 66, and Gorj - 116.
The counties where the most agricultural lands were sold in the tenth month of 2023 are Dolj - 746, Braila - 743, and Buzau - 650.
More information is available on the website of the National Agency of Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity (ANCPI) at, in the Press/Statistics section.