

C.C.: European funds are a priority for the modernization of the railway infrastructure



The access to European funds should be a top priority to ensure the necessary resources for the modernization of the railway infrastructure, aiming to increase safety and the quality of passenger and freight transport services by rail, according to a study conducted by the National Railway Supervision Council (CNSDF) within the Competition Council.

CNSDF found, through the study, that Romania's railway infrastructure is underfunded, hindering the maintenance, repair, and renewal of railway lines and leading to increased speed restrictions and degradation of the railway network.

These problems directly impact the safety and transportation time by rail. In this context, it is important to recover delays in maintenance, repair, and renewal works, and it is vital to allocate the necessary funds to meet the schedules for these works, as provided in the documents for the development of the railway sector.

Moreover, Romania could lose EU funds allocated to the transport sector if it does not achieve the targets set by the European Green Deal and the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility.

Thus, CNSDF recommends allocating an appropriate budget for funding maintenance and repair works to slow down the degradation process of the railway infrastructure and rolling stock. The results would translate into improved service quality, traffic safety on the railway, and competitiveness of railway transport compared to other modes of transport.

Therefore, CNSDF recommends prioritizing European funding for the modernization of Romania's railway network. Punctuality of freight trains could improve by establishing zonal Traffic Management Centers (TMC) on lines with significant traffic, such as the European railway corridors crossing Romania.

Furthermore, the implementation of zonal TMCs will stimulate multimodal freight traffic in the country through good coordination between the railway infrastructure administrator and the freight terminal operators located on the two European corridors, Rhine – Danube and Orient/East – Mediterranean.

The development strategy for railway infrastructure, the Action Program for the Development of Railway Infrastructure and the modal shift to railways of passenger and freight transport flows, and the Performance and Activity Contract of CFR for the period 2021-2025 are crucial components.

Additionally, the realization and implementation of the "Electric Power Remote Management System" are essential for the development of the railway sector, as it will provide operators with the possibility to select the electric power supplier on a competitive basis.

Thus, the traction electric power requirements will be accurately estimated, resulting in a reduction of transport costs by rail. Regarding the railway infrastructure in the Port of Constanța, completing repair works and unlocking the 47 closed lines within the port will streamline traffic and reduce waiting time for railway transport operators.

Moreover, CNSDF recommends establishing clear rules and responsibilities for infrastructure managers by including performance indicators in contracts concluded by CFR SA with infrastructure managers, checking their fulfillment, and how the amounts collected by managers from the infrastructure usage fee were spent.

Additionally, it is recommended that CFR SA publish, in the annual activity report, the fulfillment of performance indicators.

The study on the "Evolution of railway transport in line with the implementation of the 2021-2025 Infrastructure Development Strategy and the Action Program for the Development of Railway Infrastructure and the modal shift to railways of passenger and freight transport flows" is available for public consultation on the competition authority's website.




