

CEC: Infrastructure development in Romania is burdened by bureaucracy and is long behind schedule



Recently, the European Court of Auditors conducted an analysis of the main European infrastructure projects. Regarding Romania, the E.C.A. highlighted the following:

"For the most important transport infrastructures, changes that have occurred over time in terms of design and project scope have so far generated cost increases of EUR 17.3 billion (or 47%) compared to the initial estimated costs.

There is also a high level of bureaucracy. In the case of the A1 motorway in Romania, which is 582 km long, a construction permit is required for every 7 km of highway, and an environmental permit is required for every 26 km.

Significant delays have been recorded: for the main components of the infrastructure, without taking into account the time required for the construction of the associated access infrastructure, the average delay in commissioning is 11 years.

This has significant safety implications and jeopardizes the efficiency of the EU co-financing. The Court also noted that, for the 17 audited actions, funds totaling EUR 1.4 billion have already been withdrawn from the initially allocated EU co-financing.

The supervision provided by the Commission on the completion of the core network corridors by the Member States is 'remote'. To monitor progress, the Commission uses an information system to coordinate and support policy and relies on the support of European coordinators, whose resources and skills are insufficient to ensure effective supervision.

Under shared management, a method where the primary responsibility for implementation rests with the competent managing authority, the Court identified, in the construction of the A1 motorway in Romania, a suboptimal use of EU funds totaling EUR 12.4 million, as well as the waste of EUR 3.7 million in EU co-financing."




