The National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration S.A. (CNAIR), as the Beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as the Intermediate Body for Transport, have signed Additional Act No.1 to the Financing Contract No. 255/01.08.2023 for the project: "Construction of the Craiova South Bypass DN56-DN55-DN6".
By signing Additional Act No.1, one of the important clauses is modified:
Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Financing Contract - General Conditions:
Article 1. Article 3 - Contract Value, paragraphs (1) and (2) will be as follows:
The total value of the Project "Construction of the Craiova South Bypass DN56-DN55-DN6" is 196,963,191.84 lei (Phase I and Phase II), and the financing contract value for Phase I is 2,702,786.31 lei, financed under POIM 2014-2020, as follows:
- The non-refundable eligible value from the European Regional Development Fund for Phase I POIM is 2,108,542.17 lei, equivalent to 85% of the total eligible value.
- The eligible co-financing value of the Beneficiary for Phase I POIM is 372,095.67 lei, equivalent to 15% of the total eligible value.
- The difference from the total project value represents ineligible expenses, including VAT for Phases I and II.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.
(Photo: Freepik)