The National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure (COMPANIA NAȚIONALĂ DE ADMINISTRARE A INFRASTRUCTURII RUTIERE S.A.), in partnership with Bihor County as the funding beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as the Intermediate Body for Transport, have agreed to enter into Financing Agreement No. 259/02.10.2023 for the project "Connecting Road between the Municipality of Oradea and the Sanmartin Commune." This agreement is for the purpose of providing non-reimbursable financing allocated through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, under Priority Axis 1 - Developing a Quality, Sustainable, and Efficient Multimodal Transport System, OS 2.2 - Call for projects for the Development of Road Infrastructure - New Investment Projects, Operation - Enhancing Accessibility to Areas with Low Connectivity to the TEN-T Road Infrastructure.
The general objective of the project is to improve the mobility of the population, goods, and services to stimulate sustainable economic development by facilitating traffic flow and reducing congestion in transit areas. By implementing the project, the following goals will be achieved:
The specific objective of the project is to construct 5.754 kilometers of new road with a 2x1 lane profile in each direction, arrange three roundabouts, build three bridges, construct two overpasses, build a viaduct, and create a road junction.
The total value of the project is 220,245,057.20 Romanian Lei and will be financed through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 as follows: 85% European Union contribution from the European Regional Development Fund - 159,248,768.75 Lei, 15% self-contribution - 28,102,723.89 Lei, with the difference up to the total project value, representing ineligible expenses, including VAT.
The project duration is 31 months, from June 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023, with the possibility of adding the period during which project activities take place before signing the Financing Agreement, in accordance with expenditure eligibility rules.