

INS: Romania's energy resources in 2022-Final data



In 2022, the total available energy resources decreased compared to 2021. Compared to the previous year, primary energy production decreased by 3.2%, energy resource imports increased by 2.8%, gross domestic energy consumption decreased by 7.7%, and final energy consumption saw a decline of 5.3%.

The total available energy resources in 2022 amounted to 42.5 million tons of oil equivalent (toe), a decrease primarily driven by the decrease in primary energy production.

Significant decreases in energy resources were recorded for imported coke (-25.1%), imported petroleum products (-18.5%), and coal (-12.1%). Only crude oil resources increased (+1634 thousand toe, representing 15.0%).

Primary energy production in 2022, totaling 22,262 thousand toe, decreased by 737 thousand toe compared to 2021, mainly due to reductions in coal production, electric power from renewable sources, and crude oil. The production of usable natural gas increased by 98 thousand toe (+1.3%).

Energy product imports increased by 2.8% in 2022 compared to 2021, primarily due to increased crude oil imports (+27.6%). Imports of coal, usable natural gas, and petroleum products decreased.

In 2022, final energy consumption for the overall economy decreased by 1,339 thousand toe (-5.3%) compared to 2021, mainly due to decreases in industry, agriculture and forestry, and the population.

However, energy consumption in the transportation sector and other sectors of the economy increased (8.3% and 3.5%, respectively). As a percentage of total final energy consumption, residential consumption retained the highest share (32.9%), followed by transportation and industry (31.4% and 23.9%, respectively).




