In May 2024, 3050 building permits were issued for residential buildings, down 14.8% compared to April 2024 and 11.6% compared to May 2023. In the period 1.I - 31.V. 2024, 14,050 building permits were issued for residential buildings, down by 0.5% compared to the period 1.1 – 31.V.2023.
May 2024 compared to April 2024
In May 2024, 3,050 building permits were issued for residential buildings (-14.8% compared to April 2024), with a total usable area of 698,534 sqm (-19.2%). Of the total construction permits for residential buildings, 68.0% are for the rural area.
In May 2024, there is a decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings compared to the previous month (-528 permits). In terms of territory, this decrease is reflected in the following development regions:
South-Muntenia (-116 authorizations), North-East (-106), West and Bucharest-Ilfov (-83 each), North-West and Center (-80 each) and South-East (-4). Growth was registered in the Southwest Oltenia development region (+24 authorizations).
In May 2024, 516 building permits were issued for non-residential buildings (-13.9% compared to April 2024), in a total useful area of 260,154 sqm (-57.2%).
Compared to the previous month, in May 2024 there was a decrease in the usable area of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (-347246 sq m). In terms of territory, this decrease is reflected in the following development regions:
Bucharest-Ilfov (-279645 sqm), North-East (-52856), North-West (-39980), South-West Oltenia (-15868) and South-East (-3650). Increases were registered in the following development regions: West (+27973 sqm), Center (+13685) and South-Muntenia (+3095).
May 2024 compared to May 2023
In May 2024, there is a decrease both in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-11.6%) and in the total usable area (-7.3%) compared to May 2023. In terms of territory, this decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-399 permits) is reflected in all development regions:
North-West (-106 permits), North-East (-104), West (-44), South-East (-39), Center (-37), Bucharest-Ilfov (-33), South-West Oltenia ( -24) and Sud-Muntenia (-12).
Compared to May 2023, in May 2024 there was a decrease in both the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (-20.1%) and the total usable area (-24.3%).
In a territorial profile, this decrease in the usable area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (-83444 sq m) is reflected in the following development regions:
South Muntenia (-53998 sq m), West (-38919), Bucharest-Ilfov (-8466), North-East (-5359) and South-West Oltenia (-1944). Increases were registered in the following development regions: Center (+17829 sqm), South-East (+5983) and North-West (+1430).