

Launch of the third round of fundraising for First Connect



Administrația Fondului pentru Mediu has decided to open the third round of funding within the program "First connection to the public water supply and sewage system," funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) from December 4, 2023, at 10:00 AM, to February 9, 2024, at 11:59 PM, or until the allocated budget for the funding session is exhausted.

Applications are submitted based on the Specific Guide — Conditions for accessing European funds under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Component C1 — Water Management, Investment 3.

Supporting the connection of low-income populations to existing water supply and sewage networks, approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters, and Forests no. 2,605/2022, available on the AFM website.

Funding applications are submitted to AFM through the program's dedicated IT application available on the institution's website,

The measure aims to support families and individuals with low incomes (whose net monthly cash income is below the gross minimum wage guaranteed for payment per family member) for the payment of connection expenses to the public water supply and/or sewage system.

Eligible applicants who can submit funding applications are public utility service operators/regional operators of public utility services in the water/wastewater sector, as defined in art. 2 lit. g) and h) of Law 51/2006 on community public utility services, republished, with subsequent modifications and completions.

In addition to other applicable eligibility criteria, they are eligible under the condition of establishing partnerships (as Leaders) with UAT or ADI.

The allocated amount for the funding session is 549,270,000 lei, excluding VAT, respectively 653,631,300 lei, including VAT.




