

A new bridge will be built over the Tisa in the Teplita area of Sighetu Marmatiei



CNADR, as the Beneficiary of the funding, and the MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE, as the INTERMEDIARY BODY for TRANSPORT, have agreed to conclude Financing Contract no. 266 for the project "Construction of the Bridge over the Tisa River in the Teplita area of Sighetu Marmatiei" in order to grant non-refundable financing allocated through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, within Priority Axis 2 - Development of a multimodal, quality, sustainable, and efficient transport system, Specific Objective - SO 2.2 Call for projects for the DEVELOPMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE - new investment projects, Operation - Increasing accessibility to areas with reduced connectivity to the TEN-T road infrastructure.

The general objective of this project is:

Improving the accessibility of the region and the mobility of the population, goods, and services, in order to stimulate sustainable economic development - by facilitating traffic flow, relieving traffic congestion in transit areas;

• Increasing the mobility of the population and goods - by reducing travel time due to increased travel speed and consequently reducing the time spent on freight and passenger transport;

• Reducing transport costs - through this project, drivers will save time and energy and reduce fuel and vehicle maintenance expenses;

• Increasing traffic safety - by facilitating traffic flow;

• Facilitating interregional cooperation, attracting domestic and foreign investments, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises/companies, and the mobility of the workforce, thus leading to a faster development of the region and, ultimately, of Romania.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. Construction of a new road: 1.2 km
  2. Drainage bridges: 5 pcs
  3. Bridge: 1 pc
  4. Roundabout intersections: 1 pc
  5. Border crossing point + Parking: 1 pc

The total value of the project is 168,497,966.33 lei and will be financed through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 as follows: 85% from the European Union's contribution from the European Regional Development Fund - 120,465,788.68 lei, 15% own contribution - 21,258,668.59 lei, the difference of 26,773,509.06 lei representing ineligible value including VAT.

Project duration: The implementation period of the project is 25 months, respectively between 01.12.2021 and 31.12.2023, to which, if applicable, the period of project activities before signing the Financing Contract will be added, according to the eligibility rules of expenditures.




