

Study: 5 out of 10 Romanians are worried about the resistance of the home they live in



Reveal Marketing Research carried out a nationwide study on the perceptions and behaviors of Romanians and construction specialists regarding the durable and time-resistant character of living spaces and how important is the need of tenants to feel protected and safe in the long term long in the face of earthquakes or bad weather.

54% of Romanians are worried about the resistance of the house they live in in the event of an earthquake similar to the one in 1977.

For 81% of Romanians, the durability of the home is the second most important aspect evaluated in the process of information on a living space, after establishing the available budget.

More than half of construction specialists (56%) prefer to build a house with BCA due to the durable nature of this material, a percentage increasing by 10% compared to 2022.

5 out of 10 Romanians are worried about the resistance of the house they live in in the event of an earthquake similar to the one in 1977.

The results of the Reveal Marketing Research study confirm the concerns signaled by seismologists, who issued a warning about a strong earthquake that could take place in Romania, considering that, statistically speaking, every century there are two or three such movements of the earth.

Thus, 46% of Romanians show a high level of concern, related to the possibility of an earthquake of such proportions, while a percentage of 20% declare that they are not concerned in this regard.

If we refer to living spaces, 54% of Romanians declare themselves uneasy about the resistance of the home they live in in the event of a large-magnitude earthquake.

On the other hand, 46% of respondents believe that the house they live in would withstand such an earthquake, especially men (48% vs. 42% women) and those who currently live in a BCA building (57 % vs. 45% brick).

From the perspective of most construction specialists (38%), building consolidation is the main measure that I think Romanians have in mind in this context.

Marius Luican, CEO of Reveal Marketing Research:

"It is normal that Romanians feel vulnerable in the face of a scenario involving a potential earthquake because they are no longer in control and let's not forget the strong emotional charge, still present, of the unfortunate events from the beginning of the year that shook Turkey.

The need for safety in the face of natural events that can be difficult to foresee is just one of the reasons that justify their strong desire to live in houses or blocks built with materials resistant over time, to which we can add another series of rational benefits like would be lower maintenance or repair costs and reduced energy consumption”

Also, the aspirations regarding the ideal home reiterate Romanians' need for security, most of them considering that its main attribute must be resistance over time (69%), a significantly higher percentage being registered in the case of people over 45 years (75%).

Durability is the main attribute that defines the quality and safety of masonry materials

During the process of information about a home, Romanians actively look for functional solutions that will provide them with safety and comfort in the long term, the price (86%) and the resistance of the home (81%) being the most important aspects evaluated.

Regarding the attributes of the masonry materials used, 84% of Romanians declare that they would have a lot of confidence to build a house with the most durable and resistant masonry material over time, to a significantly greater extent those who have built a house in the last 2 years or are in the process of building a house (91%) and those who currently live in houses/blocks whose main masonry material is BCA (88%).

85% of respondents know that the building they live in is supported by the structure and not the masonry, with a significantly higher share among people who have built or are in the process of building a house (90%).

Marius Luican, CEO of Reveal Marketing Research:

"It is clear from the percentages obtained from the market research that Romanians are beginning to understand the fact that the resistance of a building depends primarily on the resistance structure in combination with the masonry materials, and it can be seen that those who live in BCA houses are more little worried about the strength and durability of the buildings."

Directing our attention to Romanians who have built a house in the last 2 years or are in the process of building a house, the percentage of those who motivated the choice of BCA as being due to the quality of this material to be durable/resistant over time increased from 15% in 2022 to 25% in 2023.

For the same reasons, more than half of the specialists in the field (56%) prefer to build a house with this masonry material, a percentage increasing by 10% compared to 2022.

These aspects indicate a significant change in consumer preferences and an increase in awareness of the advantages of BCA as a sustainable building material against the background of Romanians' desire to live in a safe and resistant house.




