

Study: BCA celebrates 100 years since its debut in the market



The affordable price is no longer the primary motivation for purchasing, as it was in 2016 (63%). The efficiency of the product (construction speed - 32%, ease of construction - 28%), and its durability/sustainability (25%) are currently the most important purchasing motivations.

In 2019, 6 out of 10 Romanians stated that BCA (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) received positive recommendations from influencers (e.g., specialists, builders, sellers, etc.), compared to 4 out of 10 in 2016.

Romanians pay increased attention to the modern and ecological characteristics of products when evaluating masonry materials. For 58%, it is important that the material is environmentally friendly at the time of purchase (compared to 51% in 2021), and for 41%, the modern/innovative attribute matters (compared to 34% in 2021).

About the emergence of BCA in the construction market:

Historically, the discovery of BCA as a construction material is synchronized with the period of modernity expansion at the beginning of the 20th century, which began to dominate civilized areas worldwide, especially Western Europe and North America. The emphasis was on the development of capitalism, urbanization, and technological progress.

BCA, one of the most popular construction materials today, was discovered in 1923 by Swedish architect and inventor Dr. Johan Axel Eriksson. It began to be produced on an industrial scale in Sweden at the end of the 1920s.

Over time, the product's characteristics have been consolidated, technologies have become more efficient, and BCA has maintained its position in the construction industry.

At first, this material played the role of a challenger to other construction materials, but it now holds a remarkable share in the international construction industry, continuously conquering new markets, and is considered a pioneer in environmentally friendly construction materials with great future potential.

In Europe, the annual production capacity is 17.5 million m3, with Romania currently ranking third. BCA continues to gain ground to comply with nearly zero-energy building (NZEB) standards due to its excellent thermal insulation properties.

The Evolution of BCA in the Romanian Market:

Looking at the evolution of this masonry product category in Romania, we can see that the first BCA factories in Romania were built in the early 1970s during the communist regime led by Nicolae Ceaușescu.

Romanians' perceptions have evolved positively over time as BCA has become an increasingly popular and appreciated construction material due to its proven reputation. It combines multiple benefits found in other construction materials – easy to work with, energy-efficient, durable, and with unmatched ecological properties.

The choice of BCA for construction has become increasingly attractive due to its modern and environmentally friendly characteristics.

Studies conducted by Reveal Marketing Research on the attitudes and behaviors of Romanians and construction professionals regarding masonry materials confirm these changes in the collective mentality about BCA.

Therefore, while in 2016, Romanians associated BCA with construction speed, fire resistance, and the modern nature of the material, according to three consecutive Reveal Marketing Research studies conducted in the past three years, the main attributes associated with BCA are now modern/innovative character (31% in 2023), affordable prices (30% in 2023), and material popularity (24% in 2023).

Regarding the evolution of Romanians' main motivations for choosing BCA as a construction material over the past 7 years, we can see that the affordable price is no longer the primary motivation, as it was in 2016 (63%). The efficiency of the product (construction speed - 32%, ease of construction - 28%), and its durability/sustainability (25%) are currently the most important motivations for purchasing BCA.

Furthermore, the proportion of others recommending the BCA material (e.g., specialists, acquaintances, builders, sellers, etc.) is increasing. In 2019, 6 out of 10 Romanians stated that this material received positive recommendations from others, compared to 4 out of 10 in 2016.

There is also a growing emphasis on the modern and ecological aspects of products when Romanians evaluate masonry materials. For example, at present, 58% consider the environmental friendliness attribute when making a purchase decision (compared to 51% in 2021), and 41% consider the modern/innovative attribute (compared to 34% in 2021).

As for the image of BCA, it has changed considerably in the perception of Romanians. This perspective is also shared and reinforced by construction specialists, with 37% of them stating in 2023 that they prefer to build with BCA due to its modern character, and 27% due to its environmental friendliness (compared to 6% in 2021).

Changed Perception:

So, over time, BCA has acquired new dimensions, becoming associated with prosperity and safety (energy efficiency, long-term durability) and social responsibility (environmentally friendly material).

The myths that BCA is a material for those with limited financial means or is more suitable for vacation homes have been debunked. Currently, choosing BCA is strongly associated with residential houses and is considered a smart and efficient solution for saving money and time. It is becoming the dominant masonry material among modern housing constructions by major real estate developers.

Regarding the attributes of an ideal home, both modernity and innovation in interior spaces, as well as sustainability, play an important role. We can observe that while durability/long-term resistance (69%) and energy efficiency (67%) are the most frequently mentioned attributes, sustainability has shown significant growth in 2023, from 26% to 37%, and the attribute of being a modern home has increased from 16% to 30%, especially among those under 35 years old (48%).

The evolution of BCA is undeniably positive, with its characteristics making it an attractive, quality, modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly construction material, with a tested reputation over its 100 years of existence.

Given this successful journey, the construction industry of the 21st century is likely to be dominated by the use of BCA in the future.




