

The top of cities and neighborhoods in Romania



Cities Sibiu, Brasov, and Arad are the best-ranked cities in Romania in terms of living standards, while when it comes to neighborhoods, the highest-rated are the "Banks" neighborhood in Arad, "Valea Aurie" and "Trei Stejari" in Sibiu.

Neighborhoods' Voice is Heard

The data is obtained from the Neighborhoods' Voice, the second stage of development of the T.R.A.I. index, conducted by Storia - the real estate classifieds platform launched by OLX, aiming to provide everyone searching for a home with the most relevant opinions about the cities and neighborhoods they are planning to live in.

The index is in its second stage of development, where, under the concept of "Neighborhoods' Voice," it provides Romanians accessing the platform with a subjective evaluation of the popular cities and neighborhoods in Romania, based on the opinions obtained from residents of each selected area.

The platform offers users new functions through which they can receive personalized data, filter the data according to the evaluation criteria that interest them most, and even compare neighborhoods to see which ones score best on the criteria chosen by them.

The platform includes both objective data, presented in the T.R.A.I. section, which measures a series of key factors such as traffic, landmarks, air, and property prices, as well as subjective data, presented in the "Neighborhoods' Voice" section and obtained from residents of the evaluated areas.

The score obtained by each neighborhood is formed from the average points obtained for each of the 13 evaluation criteria, namely:

Safety - the level of safety felt by residents in the neighborhood;

Cleanliness - the level of cleanliness on the neighborhood streets and in its main places;

Parking - the ease of finding parking spaces;

Public transportation - the ease of traveling from one point to another, by public transportation;

Bike lanes - the frequency of existing bike lanes in the neighborhood;

Quietness - the level of quietness in the neighborhood;

Running water - the higher the score, the fewer worries about water supply;

Sanitation - local data related to sanitation systems in the neighborhoods;

Gas - the higher the score, the lower the probability of encountering problems with the gas system;

Sewerage - a high score means a functional sewerage system;

Heating - the higher the score, the better the heating system works;

Satisfaction level - the higher the score, the higher the satisfaction level;

Overall cost of living - the higher the score, the more affordable going to the market or restaurant is.

The T.R.A.I. platform is constantly updated, so all Romanians who want to evaluate the neighborhoods they live in can complete the questionnaire found at This way, the index will be updated with both new data about the neighborhoods and cities already present on the platform, and with data about neighborhoods or cities that are not yet on the platform, after the minimum number of responses per area has been accumulated.

What are the top 10 highest-rated cities and neighborhoods in Romania?

The city of Sibiu ranks first in the "Neighborhoods' Voice" ranking, with a score of 76.9 points, followed by Brasov (74.6 points), Arad (73.5), Ramnicu-Valcea (73.2), and Cluj-Napoca (72.7). Also, with close scores, the top 10 cities include Oradea (72.5), Iasi (72.3), Targoviste (71.8), Alba Iulia (71), Timisoara (70.8) - these being the top 10 cities that have obtained the highest scores in the ranking until March 2024, according to the opinions obtained from people living in these cities.

When it comes to the top 10 highest-rated neighborhoods, the "Banks" neighborhood in Arad ranks first, with a very good score, especially in the criteria: running water, general satisfaction level, and heating. Second in this top is the "Valea Aurie" neighborhood in Sibiu (84.6), with very high scores especially in criteria such as running water, gas supply system, and general satisfaction level.

Following in the top are the "Trei Stejari" (84.4) and "Strand" (83.4) neighborhoods in Sibiu and the "Aleea Tudor Neculai" neighborhood (82.2) in Iasi. With a similar score of 81.8 points, the "Zona Soarelui" neighborhood in Timisoara, "Copou" in Iasi, and the "Strand II" neighborhood in Sibiu are mentioned. Also, the "Calea Aradului" neighborhood (81.7) in Oradea ranks 9th in this top, followed by the "Racadau" neighborhood (81.3) in Brasov.

What are the top 10 lowest-rated cities and neighborhoods in Romania?

The city of Tulcea ranks first in the top of the lowest-rated cities in Romania, with a score of 61.8 points, followed by Calarasi (62.3 points), Ploiesti (62.8), Alexandria (63.9), and Braila (64.4). Also, with a similar score of 64.5 points, Slobozia and Deva are mentioned. The last three cities in this top are Giurgiu (65.6), Constanta (66.3), and Targu Jiu (66.7).

When it comes to the top 10 lowest-rated neighborhoods, the "Nufarul 2" neighborhood in Oradea ranks first, with a total score of 44.2, indicating the most negative evaluations, especially due to parking, general cost of living, and cleanliness.

Second in this top is the "Calea Galati" neighborhood in Braila (54.4), which received very low scores especially in criteria such as the existence of bike lanes, quietness, and cleanliness. Following in the top are the "2 Moldoveni" (55.1) and "CET" (56.9) neighborhoods in Constanta, as well as the "Crihala Sud" (57.1) neighborhood in Drobeta-Turnu Severin. In the last three places in this top, with the same score of 57.5 points, are neighborhoods such as "Anda" in Constanta, "Mihai Bravu" in Ploiesti, and "Colentina" in Bucharest.

What are the best-rated neighborhoods in the main cities in Romania?

The city of Cluj-Napoca ranks 5th in the Neighborhoods' Voice ranking, with 72.7 points. The best-rated neighborhoods in Cluj-Napoca, among those existing on the platform, are "Grigorescu," "Buna Ziua," and "Zorilor," while the lowest-rated neighborhoods in the top are "Floresti," "Apahida," and "Dambul Rotund."

The city of Iasi, ranked 7th in the top, has a score of 72.3 points. The best-rated neighborhoods in Iasi, among those existing on the platform, are "Aleea Tudor Neculai," "Copou," and "Cug," while the lowest

-rated neighborhoods existing are "Bularga," "Galata," and "Baza 3."

Bucharest ranks only 31st in the Neighborhoods' Voice ranking, being evaluated with a total score of 66.8 points. The best-rated neighborhoods in Bucharest, among those existing on the platform, are "Cotroceni," "Titan," and "Aviatorilor," while the lowest-rated neighborhoods existing are "Colentina," "Tei," and "Doamna Ghica." As more residents complete the questionnaire, the ranking will be updated with other new neighborhoods.

The cities and neighborhoods found on the platform in the "Neighborhoods' Voice" section were selected based on the number of respondents from those areas who completed the evaluation questionnaire.

The more than 50 responses obtained for each area, the higher the chances for those neighborhoods and cities to be included more quickly in the Neighborhoods' Voice ranking, which is constantly updated. So, if some neighborhoods and cities are not found on the platform, it means that responses are still being collected from residents in those areas.




