The National Company for the Administration of Road Infrastructure (COMPANIA NAȚIONALA DE ADMINISTRARE A INFRASTRUCTURII RUTIERE S.A.), in partnership with Arad County as the financing beneficiary, and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as the Intermediate Body for Transport, have agreed to conclude Financing Contract No. 264/21.12.2023 for the project "VARIANTA OCOLITOARE A MUNICIPULUI ARAD-EST" (Arad City Bypass - East). This is to receive non-repayable financing allocated through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, within Priority Axis - Improving mobility through the development of the TEN-T network and the metro; OS 1.1 Call for projects for the DEVELOPMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE - new investment projects, Operation - Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network.
The general objective of the project is to improve the mobility of the population, goods, and services, aiming to stimulate sustainable economic development by easing traffic and relieving congestion in transit areas. The implementation of the project is expected to achieve the following goals:
The specific objective of the project is the construction of a bypass route (new road) with a length of 11 km, the arrangement of 7 intersections, the construction of a bridge, and the creation of an overpass.
Another specific objective is to reduce travel time by approximately 9 minutes for car journeys and an average of 10 minutes for freight vehicle journeys.
The total value of the project is 372,605,354.19 lei and will be financed through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 as follows: 85% contribution from the European Union from the Cohesion Fund - 268,002,193.87 lei, 15% own contribution - 47,294,504.79 lei, the difference up to the total project value representing ineligible expenses, including VAT.
Project duration: 73 months, between December 29, 2017, and December 31, 2023, with the addition, if applicable, of the period for carrying out project activities before signing the Financing Contract, according to the eligibility rules for expenses.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.